A Royal Wedding

A beautiful wedding cake

On the bright, sunny morning of Tuesday, 24th November 2015, a Royal Wedding took place in the Years 1 and 2 classroom of Mrs. Aicha.

Princess 'Qu'

All in attendance have agreed that the beauty of the day will linger in their memories for years and years to come.

Attending dignitaries

It was the wedding of 'Q' and 'U'!  Hence, the spelling pattern of 'qu' (the striking unity of the couple) has been reinforced, and we all know that they will live together happily ever after.

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Reception and Year 1 released over 20 young goldfish into the school pond.

International Non-Violence day was observed on the 2nd of October.

What did we like best about our Halloween celebration at school?

The Social Evening/Barbecue on 27th September began under a gorgeous sky on the school field.

Years 2 and 3 strengthen their understanding of addition and subtraction facts and the use of money on their trip to Erevan Supermarket.