Our students get into the Christmas spirit

Lower School chorus

The Lower School chorus sang beautifully on the evening.

Charles Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol

On the evening of Wednesday, 13th December 2017, the E.I.S. Lower School gave a rousing performance of the Charles Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol. Their fine acting, which was enveloped in song and dance, succeeded in putting the audience in the holiday spirit and the costumes, decorations and evening sky all added ‘sparkle’ to the event.

Ebenezer Scrooge was startled by the visit of the 'Ghost of Christmas Past'.

'Mother Christmas' made the rounds at E.I.S.

'Mother Christmas' made the rounds at E.I.S. before the Christmas holiday and shared sweets before delivering the toys that the children had brought in to be given to the less fortunate.

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Inspired by their Global Perspectives topic on the importance of Community Service, Year 6 decided to focus on serving their own school community through a cleaning project.

On Saturday, 21st November, several children represented E.I.S. splendidly at the Batizado held at the Capoeira Centre in Haie Vive. Certain children were inspired to write about their experience in the practice of this Afro-Brazilian martial art/dance.

World Food Day was marked in school with good thought, reflection and plans for action.

The 2019 - 2020 E.I.S. Yearbook is ready to download.

We began in late March, stepping from 'stone to stone across the morass.' Thank you, teachers, parents and students for walking hand in hand to reach the other side.