Welcome Club des Nations Football Club
On Friday, 26th April 2013, EIS Upper and Middle School students welcomed the Club des Nations Football Club for a friendly match.
The final score was 5 – 3, in the opponents’ favour. It was an exciting match and good sportsmanship and skill were exhibited on both sides.
EIS Photography Exhibition
Photography "opens your eyes to things you normally ignore and makes you be grateful for all the things surrounding you: nature, shadows, and people."
Year 2 make fruit salad
Year 2 make a delicious fruit salad with lots of fresh fruit.
Years 4 and 5 visit UNICEF
Years 4 and 5 went to United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF
Years 4 and 5 Educational trip to Burmeister and Wain Scandinavian Contractor A/S (BWSC) et de MAN Energy Solutions
Many children in Years Four and Five were inspired to become scientists and engineers after their visit to BWSC.
Year 4 and 5 pupils visited Les Ateliers Coffi
On Thursday the 14th of March 2024, Year 4 and 5 pupils of E.I.S visited Les Ateliers Coffi where the works of three artists were exhibited.