E.I.S. Sports Day

This year, the E.I.S. Sports Day was linked with the Stride for Truce/Peace Project, the aim of which is to mobilise youths globally for the Olympic ideals of building a more peaceful world.

Under clement skies in the heart of Cotonou's rainy season, our children competed in fun races and games, sporting their 'Stride for Peace' t-shirts in the colours of their houses: Einstein, Newton and Mandela.

We marked the start of the event by striding and then jogging around the field 3 times.

Even our youngest ones in Playschool were able to keep pace for the sake of peace!  A grand time was had by all.

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Through the Model International Court of Justice, Years 10–13 students had the opportunity to practise applying international law to real-world disputes.

Year Five children discover much about the culture and languages of China on their visit to the Chinese Cultural Centre.

Year Eight's visit to Ste. Omsa Sarl enabled them to appreciate all that is involved in the making of soap.

Year Eight, in their study of the topics, Education For All and Renewable Energy, have an inspiring visit to ESMER Academy.