Earth Day 2014

Years 4 & 5 stand in front of the tree planted on Earth Day 2013.


Green cities are the best cities

This innovation is without pollution

Every day people recycle in these cities

Every day people breathe fresh air in these cities        

Can’t we make our planet healthy

One city at a time?

I can make it healthy

And so can you.


By:  Sarah Houssou—Lecluze, Year 4



No one could live without you

All life depends on you

Tomorrow will be a beautiful day

U give us enough. Why won’t people give to U?

Rolling round the sun, what’s your name?

Earth, actually MOTHER EARTH.




By: Aina Lea Xerri, Year 5

Mother Earth

Does not mean

Bother earth.

Mother Earth

Takes care of us

And gives us food.


She is there when

We’re hurt and

There when

We’re crying.

Mother Earth loves

Us all.


But look at what

We’re doing

To Mother Earth.

Trees cut down

Rubbish on the floor

Global warming

Polluted air…


We are hurting her

We love you Mother Earth

And I hope we will

Fix it all.


By: Aurelie Diouf



Earth wouldn’t be Earth

Without Mother Earth

So please Mother Earth

Never forsake us

Even though we pollute you.


We are thankful for your deeds

Like giving us lots and lots of fresh and pure water

And the trees and plants giving us medicine and oxygen

The animals protect us like you protect us too.


You, Mother Earth give us sunlight so that we

Can see where we go

And so in exchange,

We pledge to:










By:  Tanya Vaswani, Year 5

Oh sweet Mother Earth,

Your laughter is like a lullaby,

Your tears are rain

That feed the plants in pain.


Oh sweet mother,

You are surely the best


For you I would do anything


Only you can supply

Rich nutrients to nourish my body

Every day you give birth and people die

Sorry for polluting you.


Tomorrow will be a new beginning

For me and you, Mother Earth.


By: Laura Ndikumana, Year 5


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Year 8 students were asked to explore areas which piqued their curiosity and conduct experiments using what they had at home.

On 22nd April 2020, the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day was celebrated around the globe. E.I.S. marked the day in various ways from home spaces.

Year Five delve deep into Beninese culture on field trip to Ma Culture, Mon Futur.

In keeping with the E.I.S. tradition of fancy hat making at the end of second term.