Goldfish in the school pond

Reception and Year 1 got a wonderful surprise when a morning at the school field turned into the day that they released over 20 young goldfish into the school pond!  

Macey named her goldfish Penny

Each child got a chance to observe and admire his or her goldfish, give the goldfish a name, and let it swim off to join the others.

Freedom at last

The students love catching a glimpse of a bright orange fin or tail of the already fully-grown fish in the pond.  And they are even more excited to see how big their new goldfish get!

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Through the Model International Court of Justice, Years 10–13 students had the opportunity to practise applying international law to real-world disputes.

Year Five children discover much about the culture and languages of China on their visit to the Chinese Cultural Centre.

Year Eight's visit to Ste. Omsa Sarl enabled them to appreciate all that is involved in the making of soap.

Year Eight, in their study of the topics, Education For All and Renewable Energy, have an inspiring visit to ESMER Academy.