Hall des Arts Field Trip

Reporter: Arjun Suri, Year 5

On the 20th of January 2016 my class went to Hall des Arts which is Hall of Arts in English. We were guided by an international artist. He was very happy to meet us and hear the songs we sang. Alejandro was our photographer. Ms. Corine also came with us.

Our first stop in Hall des Arts was the Mini Zoo. At the Mini Zoo, we saw amazing animals like a giant tortoise, a lion, crocodiles and a mangoos. Christa, my classmate, was scared of many animals and cried, but Alejandro and Obinna were the opposite of Christa. They wanted to touch all animals and they touched a giant turtle’s shell. They wanted to hold the python, but weren’t allowed to. Our guide admired their bravery.

After our fun visit to the Mini Zoo, our guide led to shops which had many interesting things made out of wood and fabric. Then we soon visited his shop and learned how to copy a portrait.

After all that we were starving so we went to a nearby restaurant. After waiting for ages we had some tasty African food. Right after lunch we drew pictures showing friendship.

Soon our teacher said it was time to return, though we were all sad we had to return.

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