Ice cream treat

Reception and Year 1 students were given the task of learning how to independently read and write different sentences each week for 5 weeks.  With every success, the students earned a 100 fcfa coin from home.  They were so proud to be able to put their earnings in our class ‘piggy’ bank.  They were even more pleased to see our coin graph gradually filling up with silver circles as the weeks progressed.  They learned how to count in hundreds, and that 10 of those 100 fcfa coins brought them each to 1000 fcfa!

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What better way to celebrate their achievement than to use that hard-earned cash to buy their very own ice cream at Festival des Glaces?

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They showed that we were big enough to count their own coins, pay the cashier, choose their own ice cream, and, of course, practice their pleases and thank yous! It truly was a sweet trip!

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Ivan Simo-Dzumgang, Audrey Asu and Preeti Ramchandani (Year 6) eagerly shared the instructions of how to make drones.

On 8th March, declarations of historic achievements of women, discussions of gender parity issues and appreciation of the essential roles women play in all aspects of life filled classrooms at all levels.  Year 3 celebrated International Women's Day with poetry.

Years 4 and 5 enjoyed an educational visit to the Drabo Restored Forest, which includes about 600 species of plants and constitutes a sanctuary for the endangered red-bellied monkey.

As the saying goes, “A woman’s hair is her crowning glory.” Mrs. Corine Hounsou (wife of English teacher, Mr. Aaron George) gave a well-attended workshop, reinforcing the beauty of natural hair textures.

Love ‘springs eternal’ at E.I.S., but on 14th February children of all ages bring it to the forefront.