International Day 2014
International Day was celebrated on the 13th of June this year. It was indeed an exciting, colourful, rhythmic and tasty cultural event!
Changing the venue from classrooms to the school field brought about a wonderfully unified and jovial feeling.
Parents got to hear their children sing in different languages; friends got to choreograph and perform fun dances together; and everyone had a chance to model clothes and share delicious food from their home countries.
E.I.S. is truly proud of this tradition and thanks its families for giving life to this festive day.
by Jasmine Carsky
Reception & Year 1 Teacher
Making Bubbles Is Fun
Making bubbles might seem too familiar, too simple and too common, but it never stops to excite children.
Visit to Groupe Veto Services, SA Farms
A visit to Groupe Veto Services, SA Farms was planned, in line with Year Four's Global Perspectives topic on Food, Water and Farming.
EIS Model United Nations
On the 4th of March 2022, students from Years 10-13, under the leadership of the student council and the school administration, successfully carried out the second edition of the EIS Model United Nations.
Years 7 - 9 Art Competition
Artistic talent was evident in the E.I.S. Middle School as students worked on drawings, paintings and pottery under the theme of Heroes and Leaders.