It was the wedding of the season!

Bride and groom attire

On the morning of Tuesday, 25th November, ‘Q’ and ‘U’ (who are always seen together) were wed in a most beautiful ceremony.

The wedding party (Years 1 and 2)

All in attendance watched in awe as ‘Q’ and ‘U’ marched down the aisle with measured steps.

The bride and groom (‘Q’ and ‘U’)  The bride (‘U’) and bridesmaids

Some of the invited guests even shed tears of joy and enchantment as their union was formalized.

The groom (‘Q’) and ushers

We wish a long life of  togetherness and happiness for ‘Q’ and ‘U’!

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Reception and Year 1 went on a full-day excursion to our classmate Tonia Houssou-Lecluze’s family farm.

100 Days of School = 100 Days Smarter!

Mrs. Carsky told us how in England people celebrate their pancake festival.

Students of Years 10 and 11 were honoured with a 1st Prize win.

Behind the scenes people have been working for the last year to put together a new laboratory.