It was the wedding of the season!
On the morning of Tuesday, 25th November, ‘Q’ and ‘U’ (who are always seen together) were wed in a most beautiful ceremony.
All in attendance watched in awe as ‘Q’ and ‘U’ marched down the aisle with measured steps.
Some of the invited guests even shed tears of joy and enchantment as their union was formalized.
We wish a long life of togetherness and happiness for ‘Q’ and ‘U’!
International Day 2013
International Day is when people from different countries, or continents, represent their country.
EIS produces a Shakespeare play
Every year EIS produces a Shakespeare play. This year's production was 'The Tempest' and those of us who were able to attend Year 10's production experienced a real treat.
Visit from the Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF)
Visit to the English International School representing the Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF).