La Maison de l’Espérance

On Thursday, 11th April, Year 10 made the delivery of the items purchased with a portion of the School Fair proceeds to the Foyer des Filles of La Maison de l’Espérance. The girls there welcomed our students with gestures of gratitude through song, dance and smiles.  Our thanks go out to Sister Maria-Antoinetta and staff of La Maison de l’Espérance for helping to organize this heart-warming visit.

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Through the Model International Court of Justice, Years 10–13 students had the opportunity to practise applying international law to real-world disputes.

Year Five children discover much about the culture and languages of China on their visit to the Chinese Cultural Centre.

Year Eight's visit to Ste. Omsa Sarl enabled them to appreciate all that is involved in the making of soap.

Year Eight, in their study of the topics, Education For All and Renewable Energy, have an inspiring visit to ESMER Academy.