La Maison de l’Espérance

On Thursday, 11th April, Year 10 made the delivery of the items purchased with a portion of the School Fair proceeds to the Foyer des Filles of La Maison de l’Espérance. The girls there welcomed our students with gestures of gratitude through song, dance and smiles.  Our thanks go out to Sister Maria-Antoinetta and staff of La Maison de l’Espérance for helping to organize this heart-warming visit.

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Upper School students explore new horizons through the photography of Mr. Jorge Serpa, exhibited at the Institut Français

On the morning of the 26th of January, EIS held it's International Day

E.I.S. gets into the Christmas spirit as the festive season approaches.

E.I.S. Halloween 2017 as seen through the eyes of Mrs. Akinwumi, Class Teacher of Years 10 and 11.

Silver Prize winner at FESPACO for his film, “L’Orage Africain,”as well as winner of the Burkina Faso National Assembly Prize, Sylvestre Amoussou graced the E.I.S. Upper School with his presence and the projection of his first major film, “Africa Paradis.” He was accompanied by Mr. Adrien Guillot, Executive Director of the Espace Tchif Cultural Centre - Cotonou, where Sylvestre Amoussou’s films are being projected during the week of 16 – 22 October 2017.