La Maison de l’Espérance
On Thursday, 11th April, Year 10 made the delivery of the items purchased with a portion of the School Fair proceeds to the Foyer des Filles of La Maison de l’Espérance. The girls there welcomed our students with gestures of gratitude through song, dance and smiles. Our thanks go out to Sister Maria-Antoinetta and staff of La Maison de l’Espérance for helping to organize this heart-warming visit.
Chemical reactions with the Middle School
The Middle School we have been finding out about chemical reactions.
Capoeira Batizado
Invitation to Capoeira Batizado demonstration at the Chinese Cultural Centre.
Ice cream treat
Reception and Year 1 celebrate their achievement with ice cream.
Goldfish in the school pond
Reception and Year 1 released over 20 young goldfish into the school pond.
Homage to International Non-Violence Day
International Non-Violence day was observed on the 2nd of October.