La Maison de l’Espérance

On Thursday, 11th April, Year 10 made the delivery of the items purchased with a portion of the School Fair proceeds to the Foyer des Filles of La Maison de l’Espérance. The girls there welcomed our students with gestures of gratitude through song, dance and smiles.  Our thanks go out to Sister Maria-Antoinetta and staff of La Maison de l’Espérance for helping to organize this heart-warming visit.

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International Day is when people from different countries, or continents, represent their country.

Every year EIS produces a Shakespeare play. This year's production was 'The Tempest' and those of us who were able to attend Year 10's production experienced a real treat.

Visit to the English International School representing the Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF).

Reception and Year 1 made pizza at Mamma Mia