On Monday, 17th March 2014, we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day in the Middle School by writing limericks and tasting Irish Soda Bread.
The Race
There was a man who loved to run
A hare told him, “Let’s have some fun.”
They began to race
It was a ten mile space
The man lost and shot hare with a gun.
By: Senvichet Heng, Yr. 7
Here Doggy!
A furry dog with a long tai
When it wanted to scratch it would wail
With a long chorus
Besides a lotus
But then, it’s just a fairy tale!
By: Ishan Bhowmik, Yr. 7
Water Limerick
A smart man who liked to drink water
Said, “I find it with nary a bother.
There’s no sugar inside
And no fizz does it hide,
But with soap it makes wonderful lather.”
By: Cyrian Kedowide, Yr. 6 & Mrs. Carsky
Year 6 decided to focus on serving their own school community
Inspired by their Global Perspectives topic on the importance of Community Service, Year 6 decided to focus on serving their own school community through a cleaning project.
Read more … Year 6 decided to focus on serving their own school community
E.I.S. at the Batizado
On Saturday, 21st November, several children represented E.I.S. splendidly at the Batizado held at the Capoeira Centre in Haie Vive. Certain children were inspired to write about their experience in the practice of this Afro-Brazilian martial art/dance.
World Food Day
World Food Day was marked in school with good thought, reflection and plans for action.
2019 - 2020 E.I.S. Yearbook
The 2019 - 2020 E.I.S. Yearbook is ready to download.
End of Year Salutations and Prizes for Academic Year 2019 - 2020
We began in late March, stepping from 'stone to stone across the morass.' Thank you, teachers, parents and students for walking hand in hand to reach the other side.
Read more … End of Year Salutations and Prizes for Academic Year 2019 - 2020