Merchant of Venice

On the evening of 7th December 2015, under the magical effect of a soft harmattan breeze, an audience of parents, teachers and students were transported to Venice and Belmont as Upper School students performed Shakespeare’s, The Merchant of Venice.

Roxane Zounmenou (Year 11) introduced the play with the following words:

In this play, there is a bit of everything: love and hate, greed and generosity, comedy and tragedy, pride and prejudice and revenge and forgiveness. The action takes place in two cities: Venice – a city renowned for culture, sophistication and trade, and Belmont – a city of beauty and grace, but one that is riddled with prejudice against foreigners.

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Photography "opens your eyes to things you normally ignore and makes you be grateful for all the things surrounding you: nature, shadows, and people."

Year 2 make a delicious fruit salad with lots of fresh fruit.

Years 4 and 5 went to United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF

On Thursday the 14th of March 2024, Year 4 and 5 pupils of E.I.S visited Les Ateliers Coffi where the works of three artists were exhibited.