Middle School Play - Moliere's "Tartuffe"

It was quite a big deal for us, as we had never done anything like it before.  We were excited and could not wait to get it over and done with.

Even though we are amateurs, we were ready to give it our best shot.  Before the play started, we were told to ‘break a leg.’

Aisha Melamu, Year 8

I made my way to the stage, a huge crowd in front, and introduced what we were going to act out.  The second I finished, I made my way to the backstage to play the flute, as it acted as a cue for the others on the stage to start acting.  Act 1 was in progress and the other actors, including myself, were practising our lines. 

It was a bit long with all the monologues, but acting it out gave a lot of emphasis on my character’s (Tartuffe’s) personality.

Finally the play ended, with a curtain call that went swell…

Ishan Bhowmik, Year 8

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