Morning of Sharing at Bras Ouverts-Open Arms School in Ouidah


Alice Mathieu, Year 5, wins four gold medals and a cup
Alice Mathieu, Year 5, wins four gold medals and a cup in a swimming competition called Les Futurs Champions.
Read more … Alice Mathieu, Year 5, wins four gold medals and a cup
Year Five pupils set off to Grands Moulins du Bénin
Year Five pupils set off to Grands Moulins du Bénin to see how this industry in Cotonou produces 250 tonnes of flour per day from imported wheat.
Read more … Year Five pupils set off to Grands Moulins du Bénin
Years 3 and 4 'go back to nature'
Years 3 and 4 took full advantage of an opportunity to 'go back to nature' by visiting a farm in Calavi.
Field Trip to the seashore
Year 6 and 7 went on a field trip to a seashore where young turtles were taken care of.
Year 5 visit to the Ministère des Affaires Sociales
The visit of Year 5 to the Ministère des Affaires Sociales provided them with an opportunity to understand how the rights of children are handled in Benin.
Read more … Year 5 visit to the Ministère des Affaires Sociales