Morning of Sharing at Bras Ouverts-Open Arms School in Ouidah
On Tuesday, 23 May 2017, Years 2 and 3 were invited back to the Bras Ouverts-Open Arms School for migrant children in Ouidah to see the repair of the ceiling which had been facilitated by proceeds from the School Fair.
It was a cultural morning of reacquaintance and sharing. A few E.I.S.children had planned a capoeira demonstration with visiting alumnus, Amado Carsky, and fellow capoeirsts and BOOA School sang and danced beautifully in return.

BOOA School sent us off on that day with many warm words of thanks and gratitude to now be able to stay cosy and dry in their classroom during rainy season.

The racquet skills of E.I.S.
The racquet skills of E.I.S. Year 13 student, Peemann Kaur, contributed to Benin taking second place in the Junior Badminton International 2022.
Making Bubbles Is Fun
Making bubbles might seem too familiar, too simple and too common, but it never stops to excite children.
Visit to Groupe Veto Services, SA Farms
A visit to Groupe Veto Services, SA Farms was planned, in line with Year Four's Global Perspectives topic on Food, Water and Farming.
EIS Model United Nations
On the 4th of March 2022, students from Years 10-13, under the leadership of the student council and the school administration, successfully carried out the second edition of the EIS Model United Nations.