Our students are awarded DELF (diplôme d’études de langue française)
On Wednesday evening, 27th September 2017, a ceremony was held in the auditorium of the Institut Français to present the DELF diplomas to the March 2017 recipients. E.I.S. was well represented at the event, as ten students, ranging in age from 7 to 13 years, succeeded in qualifying at competitive levels.
The DELF (diplôme d’études de langue française) diplomas are official qualifications awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify the competency of candidates from outside France in the French language.
Congratulations are in order for:
Alexander Correa Jimenez, Year 9
Alejandro Correa Jimenez, Year 6
Ivan Simo Dzumgang, Year 6
Alan Simo Dzumgang, Year 4
Ketsia Ahuini, Year 4
Marjory Vodonou, Year 4
Miriam Augustt, Year 4
Sarah Aboudou, Year 4
Julia Jebeili, Year 3
Benet Lokossou, Year 3
Year Eight discover the courage involved in becoming a firefighter
Year Eight discover the courage involved in becoming a firefighter on their visit to Direction Du Groupement National De Sapeurs-Pompiers.
Read more … Year Eight discover the courage involved in becoming a firefighter
Year 8 visit to the Segbeya School For The Blind
With a focus on Education For All in this term's Global Perspectives lessons, Year 8 planned a worthwhile visit to the Segbeya School For The Blind (Centre De Promotion Sociale Des Aveugles De Segbeya).
Read more … Year 8 visit to the Segbeya School For The Blind
Year 2 pupils become budding botanists
Year 2 pupils become budding botanists after their outing to the nearby green space called Botanico.
Year 6 learn more about recycling
Year 6 had the opportunity to learn more about recycling and repurposing from the "Recycling Queen."
La Visite de la Grand-mère d'Alice.
Studies reveal that children who spend time with grandparents, or the elderly in general, gain wisdom and patience. The Year 5 French class happily write about their interaction with the grandmother of classmate, Alice Mathieu.