The Fancy Hat Parade

The Fancy Hat Parade was a parody of colours and wonder.  Every hat was an expression of each child’s imagination.

A beautiful spring collage  Year 10 students

A television set in motion, a quartet that made up an origami dragon, and a hot air balloon, just to name a few.

The audience – As eclectic as the hats!

Such creativity dazzled proud parents, family members and friends sitting in the audience. The event was seasoned with melodious tunes from different age groups. The weather showed its approval because there were no showers.

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Several EIS classes participated in the National Geographic Project Exploration webinar on Global Citizenship.

Year One pupil, Dhakshin RAJESH KUMAR, has been entered in the India Book of Records

The most important lesson we learned this year was the value of Interdependence; hence, it became the theme of our 2020 - 2021 Yearbook.

E.I.S. wishes everyone Happy Holidays with a message about the environment.