The memories of the Capoeira Batizado

The memories of the Capoeira Batizado(25th April at the Institut Français), with the visit of Mestre Luiz Renato from Brazil are still fresh…

The Capoeira Batizado was an amazing moment for me.  We finally discovered new cords for our new ranks.  How nice the new colours looked!  We met new capoeirists and they taught us some skills before going to the Batizado.  I wish it could be an everyday activity!


By:  Cyrian Kedowide, Year 7 (Capoeirist – 3rd cord)



This year’s Capoeira Batizado was simply fabulous. It was held at the Institut Français.  The Maitre Luiz Renato from Brazil was present.  He came with some other people.  We all had the roda together. 


The Batizado gave us the chance to show our parents and friends what skills we have learnt.  We showed that we are strong and not afraid.  This time, This time, Tanais and I got our fourth cords.


By: Tania Avognon, Year 3

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Through the Model International Court of Justice, Years 10–13 students had the opportunity to practise applying international law to real-world disputes.

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