The World of Work
Clémence Chatron

In Global Perspectives class, Year 4 are learning about the world of work. We are learning that no job should be looked down upon as a low class job. Parents visited us and told us about their jobs. Here are some things that we learnt:
Alice's father, a soldier attached to the embassy of Belgium came to our class to share his experiences as a soldier, with us. It took him 5 to 7 years to be trained as a soldier. He said it is a huge responsibility to be in the military. You need to be calculative while leading a group of soldiers for an operation. He has a gun but is not allowed to use it anyhow. Soldiers are there to defend their country from attack. In Belgium, they help flood victims to be safe. Alice’s father enjoys his job. He loves to put smiles on the faces of children who are suffering in places that have wars. I learned that soldiers are kind people. When they wear their uniforms, they look mean but they are very loving people.
Rhianna Ahovey, Fatimah Sow, Berenice Meto, Janelle

Mr. Sow, a worker from the United Nations Benin, visited our class and told us about his work. First he asked us to tell him the countries where we come from and the languages we speak. We discovered that we have about 8 nationalities in our class. He told us how many nations of the world gathered and created the United Nations in 1945. He said it was created to avoid further wars among nations after the World Wars I and 2. He said a person who wants to work in the UN must work very hard in school. The person must learn as many languages as possible. Apart from peace, the UN has other issues to solve. Hunger, diseases and illiteracy are some of the problems that the UN tries to solve while working for peace.
Selina Vitho, Hulda Adetola, Ella Richter, Farell Coovi

We were visited by two famous musicians: Yes Papa and Yes Mama (Ella's parents) who run Cotonou’s oldest cultural centre, the Yes Papa. Music is important for mutual understanding between nations (i.e. national anthems – a nation’s identity). Even if you don't understand the words, you can understand a message. Music is important for keeping in touch with your identity and your roots and for cultural awareness as well as for religion and faith and to pay respect. Traditional music tells stories about history and the heroes of society. Religious music tells the story of your faith. Music is used for funerals to show your appreciation for the deceased.
Alice Mathieu, Sephora Aboudou, Clémence Chatron

An accountant is a person who studies and keeps record of financial information. Every business needs to keep record of their income and expenditure to know if they are making profit. Even individuals and the government need accountants. An accountant must take his Maths lessons very seriously. In Benin, a chartered accountant must take an oath before the president of the chartered accountants of Benin. He must take another oath before the Appeal Court Judge before he can practise his job.

A customs officer controls the movement of goods across the borders of a country. He makes sure that people who bring in goods from other countries pay tax to the government. Customs officers also protect the country from illegal goods such as fake drugs and drugs. Customs officers wear uniforms. A person who wants to become a customs officer must pass through college and must work very hard. He must do a lot of exercise in order to be fit.
Chisom Onunkwo, Lea Codjia, Nehemiah Adda

An international lawyer (Janelle's mother) came to tell us about her job. She told us that studying Law takes about 5 years and requires a lot of hard work. She is a specialist in Contract Law. She told us that the main duty of a lawyer is to help people understand their rights and responsibilities. A lawyer also defends her clients in a court case. We learned that we have certain rights. She said a lawyer must pass the bar exam before she can defend a case in court. Lawyers wear black gowns which gives them immunity.
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