Visit from the Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF)
Two men came to the English International School representing the Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF) on Tuesday, 28th May. One of the men was from the U.S. and one was born in a village in the northeast of Benin called Kalale. The man from Benin is now a professor at Texas A and M University in the U.S. SELF is a non-profit organisation made to help people make use of the sunlight.
Many people in the world do not have electricity and some don’t even know what electricity is. Children in the villages of Benin study with a candle or kerosene lamp at night. SELF is using solar energy to help these people have light at night. They are also helping people by producing a way for crops in dry areas to get enough water by solar energy. This is a process called drip irrigation.
I think SELF is doing a miraculous job for many people around the world. It is quite startling how the sun’s power can change a lot in the universe. This phenomenal job puts smiles on thousands of faces.
By: Shikha Vaswani
The sun shines of happiness and hope
Through all the violence I wonder how we cope
People in poor villages wish for good wealth
At young ages they can’t do much without good health
As they grow older they think
And their ideas come like how two glasses clink
The sun is their saviour to give them good crops
They move about in happiness, like how a bunny hops
Villagers experience electricity with wonder and joy
They gain even more, like a new toy
The energy from the sun helps us all in many ways
And all we can give is say a solemn thanks
Thanks to those who care for us
We rejoice quietly without making a fuss.
By: Kyarra Medenilla
Year 6 decided to focus on serving their own school community
Inspired by their Global Perspectives topic on the importance of Community Service, Year 6 decided to focus on serving their own school community through a cleaning project.
Read more … Year 6 decided to focus on serving their own school community
E.I.S. at the Batizado
On Saturday, 21st November, several children represented E.I.S. splendidly at the Batizado held at the Capoeira Centre in Haie Vive. Certain children were inspired to write about their experience in the practice of this Afro-Brazilian martial art/dance.
World Food Day
World Food Day was marked in school with good thought, reflection and plans for action.
2019 - 2020 E.I.S. Yearbook
The 2019 - 2020 E.I.S. Yearbook is ready to download.
End of Year Salutations and Prizes for Academic Year 2019 - 2020
We began in late March, stepping from 'stone to stone across the morass.' Thank you, teachers, parents and students for walking hand in hand to reach the other side.
Read more … End of Year Salutations and Prizes for Academic Year 2019 - 2020