Year 5 visit to the Ministère des Affaires Sociales

Alice Mathieu, Year 5

Our teacher, Mrs Mbaka, arranged a field trip for us on 17th October 2022 to the Ministère Des Affaires Sociales Benin, in line with our Global Perspectives topic on “Growing and Growing Up.” The purpose of the trip was to help us realize that as kids we have rights and our rights are protected by the law. When we reached there, we were received by the Directrice, Madame Therese Hessou, Mr. Florent Maroya, the Director of Enfants Benin and Mr. Paterne, who is in charge of child protection.

We were first taken to the Direction of Social Promotion and Inclusion of persons with disabilities and elders. This department is headed by Mr Boubakal Bani Yero. They help and support people in difficult situations such as people with disabilities and elders to re-adapt in the society. They also comb the streets and gather people with mental disabilities, rehabilitate them and empower them.

They told us to dial the number 138 whenever a child’s life is in danger. They informed us that Benin respects the International Convention of Children’s Rights and the African Convention of Children’s Rights.

The visit has inspired me. In future I would like to build a school and a hospital for poor children. I will also help the poor to invest in a little business.

Hulda Adetola, Year 5

Year 5 students visited Ministère Des Affaires Sociales et de Microfinance on 17th October. The place is located at Ganhi. The pupose of the trip was to encourage us to know more about the rights of a child. The first office that we entered was the office of the Director of Social Promotion and Inclusion of persons with disability and elders headed by Mr. Boubakal Bani Yero. He talked about how he and his colleagues help the blind, the deaf, the dumb and accident victims to re-adapt to normal life. We went down to Mr. Florent Maroya’s office who is the Director of Enfants in Benin. He talked about how he helps children not be become deviant. They told us to be responsible children and to make our parents proud. They stated that by the time we get to 25 years, our parents would be getting tired. It will be our responsibility to care for them and provide for their needs then. Mr. Paterne and the Directrice Mme. Therese Hessou spoke to us about the importance of knowing our right as children. We should not keep quiet when a child is being severely maltreated. Mr. Moise Zinsou gave us the number to dial when violent treatment is being given to a child. The number is 138.

After hearing all the difficulties that children go through in our society, I felt sad. When I grow up, I will support my parents, orphans and poor people.

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