Yo Ho! Yo Ho! Aquamaids in sight!

Aquamaids in sight!

Thursday, 12th March will for long be remembered by the students of the Lower and Middle Schools who participated in the EIS Swimming Gala, 2015 Edition.  Proud parents who clapped and cheered their children to finishing points were not left our of the fun and joy.

Some last minute coaching

The event was an opportunity to discover star swimmers, as diverse skills and styles were put on display.  The competitors were tested in front crawl, breast stroke, back stroke and diving.

Is it a fish or is it an EIS student?

Well, 2015 EIS Swimming Gala has come and gone, but we all have to get back to the pull to continue training for another round in 2016.  Until then, keep fit!

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Selina Vitho, Year 4 sums up the lesson learnt through the visits by saying the following: “I have learned that nothing good comes easy. I must work hard to achieve my dreams. I must be patient in everything I do.”

Two E.I.S. students were recognised as being ‘one of the highest calibre of entries this year’ in the Immerse Education Essay Competition.

Two new after-school activities are encouraging young and older children to explore the five senses, develop their imagination, sprout logic thinking skills and more.

Several EIS classes participated in the National Geographic Project Exploration webinar on Global Citizenship.

Year One pupil, Dhakshin RAJESH KUMAR, has been entered in the India Book of Records