Middle School

The Middle School, Year 6 to 9 uses a curriculum that provides a transitional stage between the Lower School and Middle School which enables them to develop the self confidence and critical thinking skills needed to become active learners who have the confidence to raise questions and to defend their own points of view. During this time students begin to learn how to study and explore strategies for answering examination questions. Progress is externally assessed using Cambridge Primary Checkpoint (Year 6) and Lower Secondary Checkpoint (Year 9) tests.
In order to help the students make the transition from the Lower School, subjects are taught at a higher level by subject teachers who have experience in Lower and Middle school teaching. Each form has a teacher who is responsible for the students in the group and who teaches either Arts or Sciences. In this way the students feel more secure as they are still receiving the support they need to mature at their own pace, while being more focused on a greater depth of subject matter.
Music and Drama is also taught and students are able to choose from a range of activities including swimming, tennis, team games and dance.