Upper School

The Upper School, Year 10 – Year 13 uses a curriculum that builds on the work started in the middle school and will prepare students to sit for the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE); IGCSE at the end of Year 11. Students are taught how to: analyse and question information and assumptions, critically appraise their own written work and extract the information required to answer examination questions. Links are forged with the wider community through community service and educational visits. Students are encouraged to think beyond their own needs.
Students can continue their university preparation by studying towards and entering for the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE); AS levels at the end of Year 12 and A-levels at the end of Year 13, which can be used to access leading universities worldwide.
Academic success is valued, but also valued are talents whether in art, drama, music or sports. The school takes the position that the student who is kind and helpful and who possesses a positive attitude to school life and others, is considered every bit as worthwhile as the brilliant scholar, artist or athlete.